On December 4, 2024, the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin hosted me and best-selling writer Stephen Harrigan for the launch of my latest book, TEXIAN EXODUS: THE RUNAWAY SCRAPE AND ITS ENDURING LEGACY.
Employing an interview format, Steve asked me a series of questions regarding my motivation for writing the book, its contents, my process, and my views concerning Creative Non-fiction. The program was well attended, with some attendees driving long distances to lend their support. The Bullock Museum secured twenty copies of the book and all sold in quick order: many folks bought multiple copies.
My profound gratitude to the staff of the Bullock Museum for hosting the event, my old friend Steve Harrigan for throwing in and asking such observant questions, and each and every audience member who came out on a cold, rainy, yucky day to hear me ramble on about Texas history. Given the inclemency of the weather, it was a perfect day to discuss the Runaway Scrape.
Now, some bad news. December 3 was the official “publication date” for the book. Yet, the people at University of Texas Press is now saying that the “sales date” is delayed until January 14, 2025. The reason was a printing glitch—on some (luckily not all) copies smudged print appeared on many pages—which knocked us off schedule. The defective copies have been identified and sent back to the printer to be pulped and replaced. I’m glad that none of my readers will receive blemished volumes, but I regret missing all those Christmas sales. Many of you have told me that you were planning to give copies as presents; I’m just sick that you wont be able to. But, as our British friends say, “there’s nothing for it.”
Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. This is my last post for 2024, but watch this space in January as we get closer to actually being able to purchase TEXIAN EXODUS. It’s been a long time coming.
I love you all,