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Presenting: Texian Exodus

On June 24, 2024, Deb and I participated in a teacher workshop organized and hosted by the Dallas Historical Society at the Hall of State in Fair Park.

Not a shabby venue.

We kicked off the conference. I delivered a presentation on the Runaway Scrape of 1836—all the while plugging my forthcoming book, Texian Exodus: The Runaway Scrape and Its Enduring Legacy. Afterward, my better half, employing the experience of twenty years in the classroom, shared various teaching techniques to make the ordeal more meaningful to 4th and 7th grade Texas history students.

The attending teachers were highly attentive and afterwards asked tons of questions.

Much gratitude and admiration to the good folks at the Dallas Historical Society for ramrodding such a fine program, which will undoubtedly benefit Texas teachers and their students.